Saturday, September 18, 2010

I've been absent for a while - Time for an update on The @cody_k today

Although the @cody_k and I still follow each other on Twitter, I don't read many of it's tweets (reasons should be obvious).  But today I came across these, which is what got me right over here to post a few things.  I'd just left things sort of hanging here, but these tweets kind of pissed me off.  The @cody_k still has to bad-mouth Sandi Berns, assaulting her character and tossing potentially serious accusations around?  Seriously? 

I see the @cody_k hasn't changed and seems just as demented and hypocritical as ever.  If someone said something like that about the @cody_k...oh, what's the use and who cares anyway, right?

I haven't posted Part 2 to this post's Part 1 yet because I was shocked (and more than a little amused) at how damned dumb Cody Codester (the main person behind the @cody_k) is.  Cody Codester and I had a little exchange in the comments section of this post, and she seemed either really dumb or like she's about 15 years old.  A lot of 15 year olds are really smart, but there is a lot of naivete and inexperience showing in those comments.  And I don't think she's 15 years old.....

In case you're wondering, Twitter doesn't have "built in shorteners" (or didn't then; they're on the horizon now) and the URL shortener used has nothing to do with whether or not a person is being paid to tweet.  Cody Codester's "defense" was so stupid, and her desperation about how many people read this blog made me feel kind of sorry for her, and it felt too sad to keep exposing her.   Well, that, and she and the @cody_k are too boring and dumb to spend much time and effort on anymore.

And then today I saw those tweets.   Aaaaand, I posted the promised Multiply-trolling screencaps here.  Sorry it took me so long to get around to that!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The @cody_k is Still "Taking a Break From Politics"

I noticed that on 3/2, the same day as my last post about the @cody_k continuing to lie, and the day after my post about the @cody_k account probably being paid to tweet, the @cody_k decided to "take a break from politics" and hasn't tweeted since.  It happened right after someone blocked the @cody_k for trolling them about Rahm Emanuel.

She'll be back of course, she's just regrouping.  It must be tiring to be called out on your BS so much, even if you don't care about the people you're trolling, bullying, and scamming.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The @Cody_K Just Keeps Lying

The @cody_k was still lying last night about the fake address she posted, claiming it was her own address.  I talked about that addresss and the lie here.  To refresh, here was the outcome:

"Today I did my own investigative work and got the phone number for the address she insisted is hers. I called the number and spoke with one of the residents.  I asked for Cody, and the nice man said I must have the wrong number because no Cody lived there.  I told him that someone named Cody had given out the address saying she lived there, and I read out the address to him.  He said that I had the right address, but no Cody lived there.  Then he gave me the names of the two people who do live at the address.  Neither of them are Cody and he had no idea who I was talking about."

I'm starting to think this person who tweets from the @cody_k account is a sociopath.  What kind of person does this kind of thing, with no consideration for the people who really live at that address?  And has no problem lying repeatedly but attacks other people for imaginary lies?

The @cody_k keeps demanding proof (for all kinds of things), but the burden of proof is on the @cody_k now.  Several people have already proven it is not her address and are just being considerate enough to protect the real residents privacy.

Here are tweets between @cody_k and @danielspengies from last night.  They're not in exact order because @danielspengies uses the web so conversations don't get listed in searches, and the @cody_k deleted all but the first tweet of hers right after this.  The @cody_k refuses to do anything to prove her statements aren't lies, so that should tell you something.


By the @cody_k's standard of "proof", then EVERYTHING that comes out of the @cody_k account is not true because she/they haven't "let us see" the proof.  Now, that's embarrassing.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Friday Night Fights (and this blog)

Late Friday night my twitter account @WhatIsCody_K was suspended temporarily (I assume while Twitter reviewed it), but everything was restored by late this morning.  So Cody and/or her "friends" might have reported the account.  I only tweeted @Cody_K one time, as a RT, though she has me blocked.  She tweets with @danielspengies nearly daily, so what is it about the account that bothers her?  After all, she did tweet this:

The blog does have 3 public followers, but the "10 hits" is a blatant lie, so according to her criteria which she used to attack people and post character assassinations and widgets for on her blog - Cody Is A Liar.

The "Insignif" could be true, and that's okay with me.  I'm doing this because my conscience leads me to point out the truth because so many people are being hurt by her, and it's all hurting the #P2 cause on Twitter.  But if it's "insignificant", why did she refer to it twice, basically using it as a threat, in the 2nd half of this attack on @Avivao Friday night?

(Click for larger pics:)
(sorry, this is as large as this one will display on this page)

It shouldn't come as any surprise that Cody is yelling at someone about whether they can even mention her name, but it does still surprise me.  Why doesn't she just block all of the people she doesn't want to hear from, instead of viciously trying to bully them into caving to her demands?  This is standard behavior for Cody, and anyone defending it is very questionable themselves.  Something tells me that @Avivao will not be following Cody's orders, she'll do what she feels is best.  Cody seems to suspect @Avivao of being behind this blog (she isn't, and isn't even one of my sources). 

(I would usually try avoid including another user's name as much as I have here, but @Avivao publicly said she didn't care how her tweets were used.  I didn't want to get carried away with imposing on her so I didn't put up her entire side of the argument, but it was rational, she stood her ground and fought on the side of #P2.)

This blog doesn't hold a candle to the nastiness Cody posted about 10 people, and this was originally just intended to be a two-way street to try to stop the nonsense...but she refused to let that happen by deleting her tweets.  Including @SandiBehrns and @Rebeccay in her troll-scroll was the clincher - that was just out-of-control vindictiveness.

Cody's ego is massive - so why does this blog bother her?  Maybe I'm misinterpreting, but those references/threats along with her deleting all of her tweets to the people in these widgets makes it seem like it bothers her.  We all know Cody's tough - why would she care about her tweets being shown in the widgets, especially since she has widgets up on these people in her blog?  What is really bothering her about it?  What does she have to lose?

I think with Cody there is an ego that's far bigger (and more fragile) than most of us could understand; and the panic we're seeing isn't related just to that narcissism - I think there is genuine fear of being exposed because there's obviously something significant at stake for her to go to the lengths she has.  My intention is not to hurt her or anyone, and I would stop now, no matter how badly she continues to behave, if it weren't for what's at stake for the rest of us.  She's destructive and I'm convinced she's misleading people, which is keeping many, many people from enjoying the #P2 community and legitimately working for liberal progressive causes without the anxiety of impending attack if we say or do anything Cody doesn't like.  Not just attacks by Cody, but by her little hench-persons too.

I'm just providing information, evidence and my theories, you will all be drawing conclusions for yourselves anyway.  There was much more from Friday night, and I'll go into one topic in particular in an update soon, because it happens to be part of the topic I've been working on.

I promised the links for Cody's Multiply trolling, but they're pretty painful to go through.  It will take a little time before I put them up, because I want to read through them all and be able to give you some general warnings so they're less painful for you to go through.  They are relevant, and important to see.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Two-Way Street

Updated Feb 18:  New screencaps below, so you don't have to risk going to her blog unless you want to see everything.

@Cody_K on twitter likes to use blogposts and widgets to single out certain people and publicize her implied victimization by them. Those blogposts and widgets show only one side of some really, really nasty stuff that's been going on. So here, on the right, is just a taste of the other side (meaning, you get to see some of what Cody says to the people who are supposedly mean ol' haters who 'won't leave her alone'). And below are links to her three (so far!) blog posts showing a teeny, tiny bit (okay, a lot) more of her hatred for these "haters".

HINT: If you see her tweets drop off of here, she's probably locked her account to keep them from being exposed (we've seen her lock her account briefly which clears her nasty tweets from showing up in a search). She also deletes certain tweets, especially after some of her more vicious attacks on people. If she has half the balls she pretends to have, she'll leave all of her tweets alone out of fairness so everyone can see both sides of this. But, I'd say you should hurry up and look now! People like Cody expect to bully with abandon, and really don't like being exposed.

I'm being really nice and only showing streams of the people she has streams up for on her blog. I might step that up and start including other people she attacks. That would be a lot of work though, because that list is growing by leaps and bounds. But if she keeps it up I'll do it anyway. (Leave a comment and let me know. Take a screencap in case she deletes, put it up on and give me the url. And no Cody socks - only the people in this list are trusted to provide urls.)

Let's make one thing perfectly clear: Cody could block and ignore all of these people, but she doesn't. She can't stand it when people "talk behind her back" and she keeps many search streams running so she can watch anyone who tweets to most if not all of these people, in case someone says anything that might be about her. How do we know this? Because she replies to those people and a lot of the time they weren't even talking about her. And guess what? That's why so many people are now involved. If her ego would let her just STFU none of this would have happened.

If I were you I'd use a proxy to go to her blog unless you're sure your IP and ISP can't easily be traced to you. She has no problems with posting people's private info, like full names, addresses, and phone numbers. She defends her actions by saying that if you're stupid enough to have it be available then tough shit (meaning available - ANYWHERE - online). Think I'm exaggerating? One example of her justifying herself:

Yeah, she's a real peach, that Cody_K, aka Cody Kessler, aka codycodester, aka codyalmighty, aka codysuperior, aka codyomniscient, and maybe aka codyviva. Those are just the aka's we know about.

Turns out, Cody was also a major troll on Multiply. Once that information got out, things skyrocketed. We'll give you those links next time.

Links to Cody's Hate Blogs (screencaps below just to give you an idea of what's there), from most recent backwards:

The latest.
She was pretty mad by the second one.

First she said this.

Screencaps (click for larger view):

'The latest' (The Queen Of Twitter Trolls puts up a troll-scroll):

 Before that was the charming "insignifiCUNTS" post. (If they're "insignifiCUNTS", does that make her a "signifiCUNT"?):

Just a couple of days before that, she'd announced her plans for dropping people associating with the people she didn't like.  Because this is junior high school.  And she figured everyone on Twitter reads her blog constantly, so everyone should know when she makes an announcement on her blog.  At first she had the 19 people's names listed until she got called out on her blacklisting, so she replaced them with some link (but got in fights with a bunch of people afterwards, saying she did NOT blacklist anyone! (so why remove the names?)):