Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The @Cody_K Just Keeps Lying

The @cody_k was still lying last night about the fake address she posted, claiming it was her own address.  I talked about that addresss and the lie here.  To refresh, here was the outcome:

"Today I did my own investigative work and got the phone number for the address she insisted is hers. I called the number and spoke with one of the residents.  I asked for Cody, and the nice man said I must have the wrong number because no Cody lived there.  I told him that someone named Cody had given out the address saying she lived there, and I read out the address to him.  He said that I had the right address, but no Cody lived there.  Then he gave me the names of the two people who do live at the address.  Neither of them are Cody and he had no idea who I was talking about."

I'm starting to think this person who tweets from the @cody_k account is a sociopath.  What kind of person does this kind of thing, with no consideration for the people who really live at that address?  And has no problem lying repeatedly but attacks other people for imaginary lies?

The @cody_k keeps demanding proof (for all kinds of things), but the burden of proof is on the @cody_k now.  Several people have already proven it is not her address and are just being considerate enough to protect the real residents privacy.

Here are tweets between @cody_k and @danielspengies from last night.  They're not in exact order because @danielspengies uses the web so conversations don't get listed in searches, and the @cody_k deleted all but the first tweet of hers right after this.  The @cody_k refuses to do anything to prove her statements aren't lies, so that should tell you something.


By the @cody_k's standard of "proof", then EVERYTHING that comes out of the @cody_k account is not true because she/they haven't "let us see" the proof.  Now, that's embarrassing.

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