The @cody_k on Multiply - Such a Sad, Sad Troll

I was going to take my time and post these screencaps with more info and commentary but I got too bored with the @cody_k, so I decided to just post them and let the reader do the walking.  It's taken me too long to get around to it already, but I promised to post them so here you go.  Remember, the @cody_k went by multiple usernames on Multiply because it/they kept getting banned and had to start with new usernames so it could continue trolling (details on that are in the threads by the users who were tormented by the @cody_k and despised it/them).

If you've been interested enough in the fallacy of the @cody_k to have been reading this blog, you know that the @cody_k is a troll - among other things.  The @cody_k used to be on Multiply which is another online social networking site, but lucky for them it/they left - and unlucky for us, it/they went to Twitter.  This entire blog and these screencaps are done in hopes of helping potential targets of the @cody_k's nuttery to see what they're in for if they trust it, "believe" it, etc.

The @cody_k's former nemesis on Twitter, @danielspengies, discovered the @cody_k's antics on Multiply and he posted some links and screencaps while challenging the @cody_k about that proof of it's major trolling.  The @cody_k denied and denied and denied, but finally admitted to it.  Or at least part of it.  Then the @cody_k said it was okay because it only bothered the right-wingers there. Oh, sure.  A troll is a troll is a troll, and the @cody_k was and is a troll (and a hypocrite, and a liar).

You can judge for yourselves from the screencaps below.  The commitment it must've taken to troll like this is just not normal.  You'll see that the Multiply users all thought "Cody" was an account run by mutliple people too, and they had plenty of other things to say about her/it/them which are all just like the observations and realizations that people on Twitter came to.  It's to their credit that only a handful of them made anti-liberal posts because of it, considering how much the @cody_k harassed them (giving ALL of us liberals a bad name!).

First is a (relatively) brief snippet of the @cody_k and @danielspengies arguing about trolling, after which start the screencaps from Multiply that they're referencing.

(Click pics for larger views) 
(The Multiply streams are very long so I tried to crop at reasonable spots and still keep the threads readable when enlarged.)


The @cody_k on Multiply 
- Wow, the people on Multiply have drawn the same conclusions about the @cody_k as we have.
- Shameless arguing over being voted out and stacking the vote in her /it's own favor.
- Shameless arguing over being banned.

The @cody_k and it's many incarnations are despised and reviled:

The link for these is here.

Shameless arguing over being voted out and stacking the vote in her/it's favor:

Shameless arguing over being banned: