Lies, Hypocrisy and Invasion of Privacy

Multiple lies have been told by the @Cody_K account.  Most of them wouldn't matter except that Cody trashes people for what she calls "lying", even when all they've done is refuse to admit to an accusation she's made.  She won't accept the truth from honorable people - when their statements don't agree with her accusations, she calls them "liars".  She attacks them and in some cases she puts up widgets on her blog showcasing their tweets to her, all the while saying what horrible people they are.

I've already pointed out one clear lie in this post, and there are plenty more.  I was just going to let them go (who has time to point out all of her lies and hypocrisy?), but I have to put this one here because it also involves her brazen disrespect for the privacy of others (there are plenty of those examples too).  But I'm just putting up one particular lie and breach of privacy, for now.  On Friday night the Cody_K account said this:

(I've marked through the street number to protect their privacy.)

 Here is a part of the stream, from the widget before she deleted tweets:

(Notice she accuses baconmints of "lying to libs".)

After someone on Twitter called the phone number associated with that address and said that a man answered and didn't know any Cody, Cody insisted she rented a bedroom there and that there were multiple phone lines in the house and that she really did live there.

Today I did my own investigative work and got the phone number for the address she insisted is hers. I called the number and spoke with one of the residents.  I asked for Cody, and the nice man said I must have the wrong number because no Cody lived there.  I told him that someone named Cody had given out the address saying she lived there, and I read out the address to him.  He said that I had the right address, but no Cody lived there.  Then he gave me the names of the two people who do live at the address.  Neither of them are Cody and he had no idea who I was talking about.

The Cody_K account probably thinks it's funny that people are going to the trouble of checking out their stories.  But maybe the Cody_K account doesn't realize that only sick people think repeated invasion of privacy, lying and hypocrisy are funny.